Should I speak English even when I meet Japanese people when oversea?

English Essay


英文エッセイ第2回目。今回のテーマは留学中に日本語を話さない理由について書きました。カナダならバンクーバーもトロントでも日本人に会うのは当たり前。そんな中で同じ日本人同士でも、あなたは日本語を使いますか? それとも英語で話しますか?



English Essay: The reason why I don't speak Japanese while I've been staying in Toronto, Canada.
You can choose to read Japanese ver. or English your preference.

Japanese ver.

 あなたはトロントに留学中、どれくらい日本語を使いますか? 同じ語学学校に通っていたある女性生徒に出会ったとき、彼女は私に「留学中、一日にどれくらい日本語を話しますか?」と質問しました。私は、「日本語はほとんど話しません。緊急事態のときとか、日本にいる家族や友達と話すときくらいです。」と答えました。なぜならトロントに滞在中、そして英語を学んでいる間に、毎日、家族や友達と日本語で話すことは必要ないと思っているからです。今、私が優先することは翻訳者または通訳士になるために英語を改善をすること。日本語を話さないのは、私がトロントで英語を学ぶにはタイムリミットがあるから。だから私はトロントで日本語を話さないことに決めました。その理由は、時間とお金を無駄にしないためです。



生徒A: 日本語を毎日1時間話して、10カ月経過した場合

30時間/月 × 10カ月=300時間、英語を話していない。

生徒B: 日本語を話さず英語を話し続け、10カ月経過した場合





English ver.

  “How often do you speak Japanese while you have been staying in Toronto?” When I saw one Japanese girl who studied in the same language school, she asked me “how often I speak Japanese in a day while studying English in Toronto.” I answered that I do not usually speak Japanese except in emergency situations or talking with family and friends who live in Japan. I don’t think I need to talk with them every day because it is not necessary while I have been studying English and staying in Toronto. Now, my priority is focusing on improving English because I want to be a Translator/Interpreter. The reason why I do not speak Japanese is that my time is limited to learn English in Toronto, so I decided not to speak Japanese in Toronto as I do not want to waste time and money.

  Nowadays, many Japanese people go abroad, it is common to meet a lot of Japanese people everywhere in Canada especially Toronto and Vancouver. Then, they are likely to speak when you meet. This makes me feel that I am not improving my English. I met many Japanese students in school. Then, Unfortunately, they did not talk with me in English. It was a rare case when some Japanese people spoke to me in English. Also, some students said to me; “Why don’t you speak Japanese?” Or, “Can’t you speak Japanese?” In this situation, I honestly said to them that I would like to speak English and improve. Then, some ignored me because I only spoke English, but that was fine for me. I understand people feel exhausted to keep speaking English. This is their choice, so it is completely up to them. We do not always have the same goal when we study it. We need to consider why we study English and where our goal is because we paid much money to go abroad. Please, remember “Time is money”. Some people might stay 3 months or more than 6 months when they study abroad. In my case, I paid a lot of money to study English overseas. I won’t regret when I go back to Japan that I did this. Learning English is my goal. When I saw students who paid their tuition fee by themselves, they really seriously studied it. They also said; “I do not want to waste money because I took long time to earn money.” They try to get value for their money, and it is same for me. Not to waste money is a strong motivation, so that is why I study it hard in Toronto.

  When you pay much money to stay in Canada, you have limited time to study English there. I recommend not to waste time. I wonder if I didn’t speak English even though I’m in Canada, what would be the different to study English in Japan and Canada?

Student A speaks Japanese one hour every day, and 10months later.

30*10=300hours you don’t speak English.

Student B keeps speaking English without Japanese for 10months.

More than 300hours you spoke English.

  This is simple calculate time if we use Japanese and keep speaking it every day or you speak only English. As a result, the difference time between A and B, it is going to be 300 hours between them. If we had such time, we could improve English more! Our time to stay in Canada, it is limited. For me personality, the important thing is how I take advantage with limited time. Therefore, I do not speak my mother tongue because I would like to improve my English skills.

  You will lose a chance to speak English if you speak only your language abroad. I usually go out and try to find a chance to speak English. I join an English conversation circle once a week and go to church to talk with native speakers. According to my teachers, only speaking English in the school isn’t enough. Also, I hear different accents when I talk with natives, and I’m used to listening finally. However, I still sometimes don’t catch their words, so I need to keep practicing. Learning English is sometimes hard because we do not know how to express our feelings in a second language. Even though, that definitely provides good chances to practice speaking. Even if you cannot express yourself at first, you will improve it step by step. Believe me. You will be able to speak it someday if you keep practicing. If we  could speak English without practice, we would not study. English is not our mother tongue, so that is why we need to practice. In my experience, actually I could not speak fluently English soon, and I often looked up words/phrases in a dictionary again and again. 10 months later, one of my Canadian friends told me that I progressed in the language. I did not feel it, so I asked how I progressed. She said; when you have a conversation with us, you don’t use a dictionary, and you can describe what you want to say. Therefore, keeping practicing makes you progress. Chances are everywhere, so you need to realize it when you study English.

  In conclusion, talking with people in English when you study abroad is important. If you keep going to study it without giving up, you will not lose time, money, and opportunities.
